Fire Pressurization System

Fire Pressurization System

A Fire Pressurisation System is a safety mechanism used in buildings to ensure that escape routes, such as stairwells and corridors, remain smoke-free during a fire. This system works by pressurizing these spaces with clean air, preventing smoke from entering.

Here's a breakdown of how it works and why it's important:
How It Works:

Air Supply:

The system includes fans that force air into the protected areas, creating a higher air pressure than the surrounding spaces.

Pressure Control:

Pressure sensors are used to maintain the correct air pressure. If the pressure becomes too high, it can make doors difficult to open, so the system carefully balances it.

Smoke Containment:

By keeping these areas at a higher pressure, smoke from the fire is pushed away from the escape routes, helping to maintain visibility and breathable air.

Automatic Activation:

The system is typically connected to the building's fire detection system, so it activates automatically in case of fire.


Improved Safety:

Keeps escape routes clear of smoke, which is the primary cause of death in fires.


Many building codes require fire pressurization systems in high-rise buildings or large public spaces.

Enhanced Evacuation:

Facilitates a safer and more orderly evacuation process during a fire emergency.

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